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Club functions

Feature front page   Club functions    Person functions   Applications
If you click on the menu items above you get info and guidance on club functions, people functions and applications.

Below you can see a list of features and functions, which are explained.

1. Overall functions

1.1 New club

Here you can create your own club or association.

Tab: General:

Here you can enter general information.

You choose here whether the club will be open for anyone who wants to apply for membership. If not checked then the membership is by invitation only.

Alternatively, it can be selected whether the club should be open, meaning that all applicants for membership are a member immediately, without approval. If not checked, then all applications for membership must be approved by the administrator.

Tab: Contacts:

Add contacts. For example President, Secretary, Sponsor, etc.

Tab: Administrators:

Add the people who will be administrators of your club.

1.2 Search club


1.3 Club communication

Use the message system to communicate to all members of your club or select members at one go. It is only the club administrator who can communicate to all members in one go.

2. Information

2.1 Information

This page shows all the general information about your club.

Presentation: Here the club can present themselves.

Contacts: Information about contacts. This may be the President, Secretary etc.

Administrators: The people that have the right to manage the club.

2.2 Club Members

This page gives you an overview of the club members. You can search by various criteria by filling out the "Name", "Born" or "Sex" and then press "Search". To see a list of all members, press "Search" without filling out the search criteria.

2.3 Debate Forum

This is the club's debate forum. Here you can add a debate, respond to a debate and follow all debates among the club members.

2.4 News

This page gives you an overview of club news. It is the club's administrators who can create new news. You can see who the administrators are at the club's information page by clicking on the club name on the left menu.

2.5 Message Board

This is the bulletin board. All club members can make a post on the notice boards. It is only the person who made notice and the club manager who can edit or delete the advertisement.

2.6 Club Pictures

Here the club members can see the pictures that the club members have shared with the club. This means that a member of the club may share selected photo albums with the club. Use the application "Pictures" to do this.

2.7 Calendar

Here the club members can see the events that are current for you as a member of the club. Events are managed by the application "Event Manager".

2.8 Fans

Here you can see a list of those who have chosen to be a fan of the club through the application "Fans and idols."

3. Administration

3.1 Edit club

Here you can create your own club or association.

Tab: General:

Here you can enter general information.

You choose here whether the club will be open for anyone who wants to apply for membership. If not checked then the membership is by invitation only.

Alternatively, it can be selected whether the club should be open, meaning that all applicants for membership are a member immediately, without approval. If not checked, then all applications for membership must be approved by the administrator.

Tab: Contacts:

Add contacts. For example President, Secretary, Sponsor, etc.

Tab: Administrators:

Add the people who will be administrators of your club.

3.2 Add Members

Here you can add members to your club.

By clicking the "Select recipients" you can choose between 4 different methods to invite members to your club:

  • "My Friends": Choose between your friends on BowlingPortalen
  • "BowlingPortalen network": Search and choose between members of BowlingPortalen
  • "Others": Invite members, who are not already members of BowlingPortalen.
  • "Import": Invite many members, who are not on BowlingPortalen from excel.

3.3 Add group

Here you can create a group within your club. This lets you build your club's organisation. A group is no different than the club and lets you use all the same tools.

3.4 Add News

Add news to appear in your club news. Remember that with a picture you can make the news even more compelling for the reader.

3.5 Invitations and applications

Here you can see the applications your club has received from people who want to join your club. You can also see the invitations that are sent out to new members etc.

3.6 Home page Tools

By pasting this link on to your own website your visitors can join your club on BowlingPortalen. They simply click on the link to apply for a membership.

Feature front page    Club functions    Person functions    Applications

Bowlingportalen er en sportsportal fra ClubPeople

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