
Register other users for events on their behalf

(It's the same as signing registering up to an event, except you, as administrator, have the option to select another user during the event registration).

1. Find events

Firstly, find the event you want to register other users for.

The event overview for the individual group can be found by navigating to the group in your club on BowlingPortalen and clicking on "Events":

2. Register event

Click the icon to the left of the event, you want to register users for.

The event will appear and, as administrator, you can select other users to register:

Next to the "User Name" you can select the user you wish to register for the event. The list contains users in the group, relevant to the event. If the list contains more than 50 users, you will only see the first 50 users. You can filter next to the user names, so it containts less users ("Filter list").

When the desired user name is selected, other fields are filled out and you press "Register". The user is now registered for the event.

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