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Event Manager

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1. Event Manager

1.1 Register Event

Here you can find all the events you can sign up for.

Find events by clicking on the search button below. Before you click search to locate an event, there are some criteria you can fill out to make the search more precise.

Click search to get the events that match your criteria. Click "Choose" beside the desired event and the event will appear.

Customise fields and press Save, or delete your registration.

Note that you can also find all the events which are relevant to you in the menu item "Events."

1.2 Show Registrations

1.2.1 My Registrations

Here you can find all the events you've signed up for and modify / delete your registration if the event is still open.

Find events by clicking on the search button below. Before you click search to locate an event, there are some criteria you can fill out to make the search more precise.

Click search to get the events that match your criteria. Click "Choose" beside the desired event and the event will appear.

Customise fields and press Save, or delete your registration. Note that you can find all the events which are relevant to you in the menu item "Events."

1.2.2 Show Registrations

Here you can see the entries that have been registrered on an event (attendance list).

Find events by clicking on the search button below. Before you click Search to locate an event, there are some criteria you can fill out to make the search more precise

Click search to see the events that match your criteria. Click "Choose" beside the desired event and the event will appear and display a current list of attendees for that events. You can also download the attendance list to Excel by clicking on "Export to CSV file"

1.2.3 Member Registrations

Here you can see a list of all the entries a member has made. This might be used to send the bill to the member on how many and/or which events the member has subscribed to.

First select which club you want to search for and then select the search options.

Select the person in the results, where you will see which entries the person has had.

1.3.1 Administration - New Event

New Event

Step 1/3: Search and choose the template that the new event should be based on

By using templates you can re-use the structure of an event for other events

Empty template: Choose empty template, if you don't want to re-use an existing template.
System templates: These are the ready made system templates.
Personal templates: These are the templates made by you.
club: Use templates that you have created for a club.

Next step: Step 2/3: General
Next step: Step 3/3: Make your own field

Step 2/3: General

Here you can enter the general information of an event.

Here you can choose the organizer. If you select a club as organiser you can see the event under club events.

Under conditions of enrollment you can choose the people who should be allowed to sign up for the event.

Users can be invited later with "Send invitation"

Previous step: Step 1/3: Locate and select the template which the new event is to be based on
Next step:
Step 3/3: Make your own fields

Step 3/3: Create your own fields

Here you can create all the extra fields you want the users to answer, when they apply for the event. This way you can compose your event with all the information you need from the participants.

This could be "How old are you?", "What t-shirt size do you want?" or "Do you need transportation?".

This must be filled out when creating a new field/question:

Name: The name of the field
Type: What kind of field you want.
Mandatory: Should the field be mandatory.

Field types:

Only information: Choose this if you want to tell the users something but do not want them to answer.
Text: Text field for the user to fill out.
List: List of choices that the user can choose from
Checkbox: Checkbox for the user to fill out
Date: Date field
Number: Numbers

1.3.2 Administration - Edit Event

Edit Event

Step 1/3: Search and find the event that you want to edit

This will let you edit your event.

Next trin: Step 2/3: General
Next trin: Step 3/3: Make your own fields

Step 2/3: General

Here you can enter the general information about an event.

Her you can choose the organiser. If you select a club as organiser you can see the event under club events.

Under conditions of enrollment you can choose the persons that should be allowed to sign up for the event.

Users can be invited later with "Send invitation"

Previous step:
Step 1/3: Locate and select the template which the new event is to be based on
Next step:
Step 3/3: Make your own fields

Step 3/3: Create your own fields

Here you can create all the extra fields you want the users to answer, when they apply for the event. This way you can compose your event with all the information you need from the participants.

This could be "How old are you?", "What t-shirt size do you want?" or "Do you need transportation?".

This must be filled out when creating a new field/question:

Name: The name of the field
Type: What kind of field you want.
Mandatory: Should the field be mandatory.

Field types:

Only information: Choose this if you want to tell the users something but don not want them to answer.
Text: Text field for the user to fill out.
List: List of choices that the user can choose from
Checkbox: Checkbox for the user to fill out
Date: Date field
Number: Numbers

1.3.3 Administration - Send invitations to event

Send invitations to event

Here you can send invitations to people you want to sign up for your event.

1.3.4 Administration - Delete event

Delete event

Here you can find the event you want to delete. Find events by clicking on the search button below. Before you click Search to locate an event, there is some criteria you can fill out to make the search more precise. Click "Choose" beside the desired event and you will be asked whether you are sure you want to delete. Administration - New Template

New Template

Step 1/3: Locate and select the template the new template must be based on

With templates you can re-use the structure of an event to other similar events.

Empty template: Select Empty template if this event should not re-use another template.
System template: These are the default templates created by BowlingPortalen.
Personal templates: These are the templates you have created.
club: Otherwise, you can choose the club a template was created by.

Step 2/3: General

Here general information is entered about the template: Who is the owner of the template, what are the template name and comments.

Step 3/3: Create your own fields

Here you can create all the extra fields you want the users to answer, when they apply for the event. This way you can compose your event with all the information you need from the participants.

This could be "How old are you?", "What t-shirt size do you want?" or "Do you need transportation?".

This must be filled out when creating a new field/question:

Name: The name of the field
Type: What kind of field you want.
Mandatory: Should the field be mandatory.

Field types:

Only information: Choose this if you want to tell the users something but do not want them to answer.
Text: Text field for the user to fill out.
List: List of choices that the user can choose from
Checkbox: Checkbox for the user to fill out
Date: Date field
Number: Numbers Administration - Edit Template

Edit Template

Step 1/3: Search and choose the template you want to edit

Here you can edit templates for events.

Step 2/3: General

Here general information about the template is entered: Who is the owner of the template, what should the template name and comments.

Step 3/3: Create your own fields

Here you can create all the extra fields you want the users to answer, when they apply for the event. This way you can compose your event with all the information you need from the participants.

This could be "How old are you?", "What t-shirt size do you want?" or "Do you need transportation?".

This must be filled out when creating a new field/question:

Name: The name of the field
Type: What kind of field you want.
Mandatory: Should the field be mandatory.

Field types:

Only information: Choose this if you want to tell the users something but do not want them to answer.
Text: Text field for the user to fill out.
List: List of choices that the user can choose from
Checkbox: Checkbox for the user to fill out
Date: Date field
Number: Numbers

Feature front page   Club functions   Person functions   Applications

Bowlingportalen er en sportsportal fra ClubPeople

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